Group Seminar
Prof. Dr. Susanne Albers
Seminars are on Tuesday from 14:00-16:00 in Building 079, Room 00 019.
Über approximative Nash-Gleichgewichte in überlebensfähigen Netzwerken
Stefan Eilts23.06.2006 (Freitag 11:00-12:30)
Wie man seinen Rucksack versteigert: Ein monotones FPAS für Multi-Unit Auktionen
Patrick Briest, Universität Dortmund25.04.2006
On Broadcast Scheduling
Wladimir Zipp07.03.2006
Approximation algorithms for survivable network designs
Stefan Eilts21.02.2006
Web-Caching: Implementatierung und Vergleich bekannter Algorithmen
Jens Keller14.02.2006
On Adequate Performance Measures for Paging
Alexander Souza, ETH Zurich31.01.2006
On the analysis of Longest Wait First
Sylva Scholz17.01.2006
Approximation Schemes for Scheduling
Swen Schmelzer10.01.2006
On Range Assignments and MSTs
Christian Gunia20.12.2005
On Broadcast Scheduling With Limited Energy
Christian Gunia13.12.2005
Throughput maximization in bounded QoS buffers with packet deadlines
Markus Schmidt29.11.2005
Energy-efficient algorithms for flow time minimization
Susanne Albers22.11.2005
On families of leaf-language classes
Fabian Müller25.10.2005
Algorithmische und experimentelle Studien zur Pufferverwaltung in Netzwerk-Switches
Tobias Jacobs19.07.2005
Report on a Master's Thesis
Sascha Zimmermann12.07.2005
IQPNNI - Fast reconstruction of large maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees in parallel
Bui Qungh Minh28.06.2005
On the Tree Conjecture for Network Creation Games
Stefan Eilts21.06.2005
New Results for a Network Creation Game
Susanne Albers14.06.2005
On Strip Packing with Rotations
Rob van SteeWe present an asymptotic fully polynomial time approximation scheme for two-dimensional strip packing with rotations. In this problem, a set of rectangles need to be packed into a rectangle (strip) of fixed width and minimum height, and these rectangles can be rotated by 90 degrees. Additionally, we present a simple asymptotic polynomial time approximation scheme, and give an improved algorithm for two-dimensional bin packing with rotations.
Image Sequence Procesing Tools (Report of a Master's Thesis)
Asif Mohammed25.01.2005
Packet Buffering - Randomization Beats Deterministic Algorithms
Markus Schmidt21.12.2004
Multi-Commodity Network Flow
Sylva Scholz17.12.2004
Approximate Solutions Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Christian Gunia, Dortmund University02.11.2004
Online Conflict Free Coloring
Haim Kaplan, Tel Aviv University28.09.2004
Data Structures and Algorithms for Scheduling Production Jobs in Resource Networks
Marianne Mueller20.07.2004
Community Trees
Swen Schmelzer13.07.2004
Algorithmic Game Theory
Stefan Eilts1.07.2004
Online Scheduling of Multiprocessor Tasks
Guochuan Zhang17.06.2004
Presentation of a student's thesis
Sascha Zimmermann8.06.2004
New Results on Web Caching
Susanne Albers27.05.2004