Algorithms and Complexity

Algorithms and Complexity Algorithms Seminar
Winter Term 2022/23
Fabian Kuhn


Information Event: Thursday, 28.04.2022, 12:15 - 13:45 pm

On Thursday, 28th of April, there will be introduction to the seminar topics and on how we plan to hold the seminar. We use the zoom video conferencing system for this meeting. It is possible to take part at the meetings without a Zoom account or a Zoom client. You can join the meeting with your browser using the following link and password

Meeting-Link: https://uni-freiburg.zoom.us/j/66651811494?pwd=emVHVXJ3dHJiRHdvNGF2QlVTUEFsUT09
Meeting ID: 666 5181 1494
Password: 4NuLudJhQ

Please read the Zoom privacy policy

Please disconnect your VPN before joining the meeting.